4 tents that were erected in the Chushul area of Ladakh will be removed by Indian Army Forces PLA.

World News

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China had four tents set up the day before in the Table Top Area of the Gurung Hills in the Chushul region of Eastern Ladakh. The two militaries have designated the area as a buffer zone.

Locals heard troops and saw tents being set up in the buffer zone. As soon as they arrived, Indian Army officers ordered the Chinese soldiers to take down their tents.

The four tents the Chinese troops had erected have all been taken down, according to Konchok Stanzin, the local councillor.

The villagers claimed that there were no unpleasant incidents reported during the procedure.

They appreciated the strength of the Indian Army, which quickly ordered the PLA personnel to remove the tents and return the place to normal.

They claimed that “the Indian Army is completely dominating the area and is in complete control of the situation.”

In the meantime, the Union Home Ministry made a key move by allowing international visitors to travel and stay in Kanle in the Changthang region specifically for the next Ladakh Nomadic Festival, which is planned to take place on July 15 and 16.

The locals claimed that “this will significantly boost tourism in Ladakh.”

Leh Tashi Gyalson, chairman-cum-CEC of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC), has thanked Home Minister Amit Shah and Lieutenant Governor Brigadier (Ret.) BD Mishra for enabling foreign visitors to Hanle for the Ladakh Nomadic Festival. Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, a Ladakh MP, and advisor Dr. Pawan Kotwal were also acknowledged for their assistance.

At 14,764 feet above sea level, in the town of Hanle, sits the Hanle Observatory, also referred to as the Indian Astronomical Observatory.

Hanle is noted for having extraordinarily clear sky and little light pollution, which makes it a great place for astronomical observations and stargazing. The relatively black skies at Hanle are a result of the lack of substantial light sources in the area.

A protected region known as a “Dark Sky Reserve” works to minimise light pollution in order to maintain and safeguard the quality of its night skies. Reserves for dark sky are often found in places with great night skies and natural darkness. Furthermore, Hanle, a community of less than 1000 inhabitants, is the ideal location.

The army and the civil government of Ladakh have reportedly undertaken several rounds of discussions regarding the opening of other tourist destinations, including those near the Pangong lake in Eastern Ladakh.

In Eastern Ladakh, the Chand Chenmo sector, which is located north of Pangong, is one location being considered for tourism. Visitors might be permitted at Marsimiklal Pass first all the way to Tosgtsalo, and if everything goes according to plan, it might even be extended all the way to Hot Springs.

On the strong request of the inhabitants, the Union Territory of Ladakh Administration wants new tourist locations available to further increase tourism in the region.

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