India criticizes Pakistan for bringing up the Kahmir issue at the UN Security Council meeting.

World News

Pakistan brought up the Jammu and Kashmir problem during a Security Council meeting here, which prompted India to attack Pakistan. India’s permanent representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj, said that she would not waste the Council’s time by reacting to such “mischievous” remarks.

In her remarks at the UN Security Council open debate on “Maintenance of international peace and security: Effective multilateralism through the defense of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations,” which was presided over by Russia, the Council’s President for the month of April, Kamboj delivered a stern retort to Pakistan.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was presiding over the discussion when Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Munir Akram, made a statement that included a reference to Jammu and Kashmir.

Last but not least, Kamboj added on Monday, “this august forum has today heard some mischievous remarks by a permanent representative arising purely out of ignorance and lack of an understanding on the basic facts of decolonisation.” I won’t use up this Council’s time by reacting to those remarks. We urge that delegation to take note of the several rights of rebuttal we have previously stated, she continued.

No matter what is on the agenda or the subject of discussion at the meetings, Pakistan persistently brings up the Kashmir issue on various UN platforms.

After New Delhi repealed Article 370 of the Constitution on August 5, 2019, to withdraw Jammu and Kashmir’s special status, tensions between India and Pakistan grew.

Pakistan responded strongly to India’s move by downgrading diplomatic ties and expelling the Indian envoy.

India has plainly said to the world that it was up to it to decide whether to repeal Article 370.

It also urged Pakistan to cease spreading false information against India and to accept truth. India has expressed its desire for regular neighborly ties with Islamabad in an atmosphere free of terrorism, enmity, and bloodshed to Pakistan.

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