World News

Nothing is more successful than success, and success always inspires people to strive for even greater and better outcomes.

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is undoubtedly moving forward in this direction. It plans to launch satellites weighing more in the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and has raised the payload capacity of its heavy rocket, the GSLV, from 1,500 kg to 2,274 kg as of right now.

Thus, with the help of the private sector, ISRO has set out to create a next-generation rocket that can lift payloads up to 10 tonnes. Work on the new rocket has already begun.

Encouraged by the success of the GSLV-F14/INSAT-3DS mission on Saturday, which launched the heaviest payload to date that was perfectly injected

The team tasked with creating the project report for the next generation rocket, which would carry a ten-ton payload, has turned in its report and an estimate of its cost, according to ISRO Chairman S. Somanath.

Regarding the next phase, he stated that ISRO would be requesting government funding in this area.

The Next Generation Launch Vehicle (NGLV) project team has turned in a report that includes an anticipated cost of development. The next stage is to apply for funding from the government and set up a system for its development with private sector involvement.

The design of the rocket is ongoing; it will transport roughly ten tonnes into the GTO and be largely reusable.


He added that ISRO is preparing for the upcoming lunar mission, Chandryaan-4, which aims to accomplish a singular goal that has never been tried or accomplished by any country before.

In response to a query on the upcoming moon mission, Mr. Somanath stated that it must accomplish something novel that hasn’t been done before.most likely returning with a robotic sample from the moon.

For this reason, a sophisticated, high-end rocket with a unique design is being built. He said that the government must also approve the project’s necessary funding.

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