World News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on November 16 held bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit

Rome: Italy will ensure its cooperation in the forthcoming Indian presidency of the G20, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Thursday, as she reaffirmed support for what she described as the unexpressed growth potential of the bilateral relations.

“This meeting with PM Narendra Modi confirms our common will to exploit the still unexpressed growth potential of our bilateral relations. Italy will ensure its cooperation in the forthcoming Indian presidency of the G20, also in light of the common challenges ahead,” PM Meloni tweeted.

This tweet came two days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 16 held a bilateral meeting with Meloni on the sidelines of the G20 Summit where India was handed over the presidency of G20.

Earlier, PM Modi said the two leaders exchanged views on how India and Italy can work closely in sectors like energy, defence, culture, and climate change.

“Excellent meeting with PM @GiorgiaMeloni. We exchanged views on how India and Italy can work closely in sectors like energy, defence, culture and in boosting climate change. We also focused on ways to enhance economic partnership between our countries,” PM Modi said in an earlier tweet.

As India took over G20 Presidency for the year 2023 from Indonesia, all eyes are on India as New Delhi would set the agenda that would create an environment of better cooperation between the global south and advanced nations as it stands non-partisan and enjoys the trust of both.

The agenda will likely be cooperation for sustainable and equitable development for shared global peace and prosperity and capacity building to face emerging global challenges.

Prosperity and peace in the global South will be the focus of India’s presidency of the G20.

This was the clear import of PM Modi’s address while unveiling the presidency’s logo, website, and agenda under the theme ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ or one earth, one family, one future.

As one of the biggest multilateral platforms commanding 85 per cent of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and two-thirds of its population, the G20 wields significant influence, especially among the developed countries in North America and Europe.

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