World News

It is now in use with India’s SSBN Fleet and is also known as “Sagrika”; it has a range of more than 750 kilometres. The missile is a component of India’s nuclear triad and has the ability to launch a nuclear strike in retaliation. In August 2018, the missile underwent complete operationalization.

The Sagarik SLBM is intended for nuclear retaliation. A gas booster is used by the K-15, a two-stage submarine-launched ballistic missile, to detach from its launch platform and ascend above the ocean. After the missile reaches a predetermined altitude, a solid rocket motor is ignited. The missile may go 750 kilometres (466 miles) or so.

The test’s success has confirmed India’s command and control system for retaliatory strike operations in addition to showing off its “second strike” capacity.

Submarines must stay in contact with the command and control centre when deployed in order to receive launch orders as needed.

A nuclear-armed submarine like the INS Arihant would need permission from the Nuclear Command Authority to launch a nuclear-tipped missile, making this situation even more crucial.

The test validates India’s ability to launch a nuclear attack from land, air, and sea, which is represented by its nuclear triad. With the completion of the maiden deterrence patrol by INS Arihant in 2018, India completed the construction of its nuclear triad.

India needed to demonstrate the ability to carry out a second strike or the capacity to counter a nuclear attack with one of its own due to its ‘no first use’ nuclear posture. A second strike capability that is assured is a crucial component of strategic deterrence that works.

Of the three components of the nuclear triad, SSBNs are thought to be the most resilient. Taking out SSBNs at sea is significantly more challenging than taking out land-based missiles and planes designed for nuclear bomb delivery, which can also be targeted by the enemy in a first, counterforce strike.

These boats have the ability to evade detection by subsisting for extended periods of time.

India’s remaining SSBNs can be used to launch a retaliation strike in the event that a first strike eliminates land-based nuclear delivery systems. India will need a constant at-sea deterrent for this, and the completion of the three SSBNs Arighat, S4, and S4* that are now in the works would provide India with this capacity.

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