For the Next Generation Launch Vehicle, which employs two expendable upper stages and a reusable booster stage, ISRO is creating the Lox-Methane engine and stages. Multiple restarts will be necessary in this configuration in order to recover the booster stage and to restart the upper stage for mission flexibility.
For the upcoming LOX-Methane stages, ISRO’s Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) is creating a spark torch igniter with the following benefits: cleaner combustion products, increased ignition reliability, and multi-restart capability.
On March 3, 2025, a demonstration model of the spark torch igniter was successfully tested using gaseous hydrogen and oxygen as propellant in the GSLV Cryogenic Upper Stage Vernier engine. Smooth ignition was achieved during the test, which was carried out at the Combustion Research Facility in LPSC.
The test lasted three seconds in total, and every engine parameter measured during that time was normal and expected. To improve the performance, more tests are also planned.