A substantial investment of Rs 20,000 crore has been announced by the Swiss-based Terminal Investment Limited Sarl (TIL) in the Vadhavan Port project, which is being developed in Maharashtra close to Dahanu. This project, which is anticipated to cost Rs 76,220 crore in total, is a component of a wider development effort by the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA). When completed, the port is expected to handle 23.2 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units), making it one of India’s biggest and most sophisticated container handling facilities.
Nine one-kilometer-long container terminals
There are four liquid cargo berths and four multipurpose berths.
Both a Coast Guard-specific berth and a Ro-Ro berth
Depth: 20 meters is the natural depth, which can accommodate big container ships.
The project intends to include sustainable principles throughout its construction and entails substantial reclamation work.
It is anticipated that the Vadhavan Port will be essential to improving India’s trade and maritime infrastructure. It would facilitate effective cargo movement by being connected to important transportation networks, such as the Mumbai-Vadodara Expressway and a dedicated rail freight corridor. Additionally, it is projected that the project will generate roughly 1.2 million employment, which will have a major positive impact on the local economy.
The collaboration between TIL and JNPA is indicative of the increasing trust that international investors have in India’s marine industry. By incorporating state-of-the-art technology into its operations, the port hopes to establish new standards for creativity and efficiency. This expansion is in line with the Sagarmala plan, which aims to improve port infrastructure nationwide, as well as India’s larger economic objectives.