World News

According to a formal statement issued by the External Affairs Ministry, India and Egypt held the twelfth round of Foreign Office Consultations on Wednesday in Cairo, where both parties undertook a thorough review of the full range of bilateral relations, covering politics, trade, and commerce.

Ausaf Sayeed, Secretary (CPV & OIA), led the delegation from India, and Ayman Kamel, Assistant Foreign Minister for Asian Affairs, led the group from Egypt.

According to the statement, during the meeting, both parties conducted an extensive examination of the whole spectrum of bilateral relations, including political, trade and commerce, investments, development partnership, capacity building, culture, and people-to-people ties.

They also talked about how to improve relations between India and Egypt and

The most recent FOC round was held in New Delhi in December 2015.

During the trip, the Secretary (CPV & OIA) met privately with Ambassador Hamdi Loza, Egypt’s deputy foreign minister for African affairs, and the two men discussed bilateral relations between India and Egypt.

He also met with Ambassador Khaled El Manzalawi, Assistant Secretary General of the League of Arab States, and the two of them had an in-depth conversation about how to improve cooperation between India and the Arab nations. At a mission-sponsored event, the secretary (CPV & OIA) spoke with Indians in the community.

The next round of Consultations will take place in New Delhi on a date that works for both parties.

Egypt and India have a wonderful friendship. Cyclone, a combined training exercise between India and Egypt, was held for the first time in January 2023.

India and Egypt, two of the oldest civilizations in the world, have a long history of close engagement. Egypt is a key actor in development with a population of about 110 million, a location that straddles Africa and Asia, and a metropolis that houses the League of Arab States.

Additionally, India has had a very close relationship with this nation ever since gaining its independence. Given that the two nations jointly founded the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the 1950s, this is only logical.

Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the president of Egypt, even served as the chief guest at India’s 74th Republic Day celebration. He was him.

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