8 Navy Veterans Fired by Employer as They Speak in Qatari Prison

World News

Even after the officers were hauled away by Qatar’s Interior Ministry on August 31 of last year, Dahra Global Technologies continued to pay salaries.

Dahra Global Technologies and Consultancy Services provided severance letters to the eight Indian Navy veterans who had been held in solitary detention by Doha authorities since August 2022. This implies that they would no longer be paid.

Even after the officers were hauled away by Qatar’s Interior Ministry on August 31 of last year, Dahra Global Technologies continued to pay salaries. “Other Indians employed by the corporation in addition to the eight Naval veterans have been ordered to quit. More than 150 former members of the Indian Navy who worked for Dahra in Doha

Many people have come back, and others are on their way. Accordingly, the source stated that the eight former Naval veterans who had been held in solitary confinement had also been given the same treatment.

The cost of solicitors was one of the major worries for the veterans’ families. Now, a family member of one of the soldiers stated, the Indian government will handle it.

“May 3 is the date of the next hearing.” Since our men’s employment had been lost, we were worried about how we would pay the legal expenses. Thank goodness, that issue has been solved by the administration. We are confident that since our guys have dedicated their life to serving the country, the truth will out and they will return,” he said.


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