World News

The fiercely contested election came as a huge surprise when the Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) party of imprisoned former prime minister Imran Khan’s independent supporters won the most seats (98 of 264). This was the case even though the Pakistani establishment, including the army, did everything in its power to prevent Imran Khan and his party members from participating in the election.

This undoubtedly reflects the deepest desires of the majority of Pakistanis. Because it was believed that the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), supported by the army, would triumph. This was the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif.

Ironically, the Pakistani army was the one to overthrow Nawaz Sharif’s administration and install Imran Khan as prime minister despite his lack of a majority in earlier elections.

Then, following three and a half years of bad policy choices made while in office, Khan’s

Sadly, no full-time prime minister from Pakistan has been able to hold the position for the entire five years. Depending on its own whims and fancies, the army has either killed them or removed them.

Political upheaval and coups have occurred in Pakistan before. The army’s meddling in politics is what led to the current political disaster in the nation. Pakistan is currently past the point of no return as a result.

Following India’s 1947 division, Liaquat Ali Khan, the first prime minister of Pakistan, was shot and killed during a political rally in Rawalpindi.

Following the imposition of martial law in 1958 by Governor-General Iskander Mirza, with General Ayub Khan serving as top martial law administrator, Pakistan saw its first military coup. Later, Ayub Khan took over as president, dismissed Mirza, and banished him.

The best illustration of this is the claims of election results manipulation, which favoured independent candidates supported by Imran Khan. The only viable option in the current situation is a coalition government, but even it might find it difficult to marshal the political will to enact much-needed economic changes and tackle significant issues with governance and security.

Therefore, even in the event that martial law is not formally declared, the army will still have the final say over decisions. It implies the establishment of a puppet regime.

The nation is currently on the verge of bankruptcy, but internal political and military strife continues unabated.

Pakistan’s economic and security concerns will undoubtedly be impacted by the unpredictable political environment.

Pakistan’s current economic crisis cannot be resolved without an IMF loan. For

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