World News

The Times of Israel stated that the Israeli cabinet unanimously adopted a statement vehemently rejecting any proposal for Palestinian statehood, further highlighting the escalating hostilities between the US and Israel.

This follows rumours that the US and a number of Arab allies were working on a comprehensive peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians that would include a “firm timeline” for the establishment of a state for the latter group.

The cabinet decision said that “Israel utterly rejects international diktats regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians.” “A settlement, if it is to be reached, will come about solely through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.”

“Israel will continue to oppose unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state,” the motion stated. “Such acknowledgment following the October

The study was widely criticised by right-wing ministers in Netanyahu’s government and members of his Likud party. A minister from Likud even suggested that Israel should issue a threat to revoke the Oslo Accords, which established the Palestinian Authority. However, the declaration made on Sunday was also accepted by the interim government’s centrist members, who included ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot.

The terror attack by Hamas on October 7th, in which thousands of terrorists crossed the border, killed almost 1,200 people, and kidnapped over 250 more in a series of horrifying acts of violence that included sexual assault, is what initially ignited the current conflict.

Moves that Israel has previously rejected are part of the proposed plan, such as the evacuation of numerous West Bank settlements and the construction of a Palestinian capital in

According to the Times of Israel, Israeli leaders also stated that there doesn’t seem to be much support for peace initiatives in the Israeli people, given the “soaring support for Hamas” among Palestinians following the murders.

Netanyahu had disputed requests from international leaders to forego a foot assault in Rafah, claiming that doing so would equate to “losing the war against Hamas,” according to The Times of Israel.

In essence, those who seek to obstruct our operations in Rafah are advising us to ‘lose the fight.’ He promised, “I won’t let that happen,” during a press conference in the evening in Jerusalem. “We won’t capitulate to any pressure,” he declared.

Rafah, which is on the border between Gaza and Egypt, is reportedly the last surviving


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