World News

The Plan of Consultation for the Year 2024 between the Foreign Ministers of the two Countries was signed by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

The consultation plan was signed by the two presidents during their meeting in Beijing.

“After talks in Beijing, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi signed the Plan of Consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Russia and China for 2024,” the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote in a post on X.

Following the discussions, Lavrov and Wang Yi jointly addressed a news conference. They announced that they had signed the next inter-Ministry of Foreign Affairs consultation plan for 2024 and that they had briefly discussed a few practical matters pertaining to intergovernmental cooperation.

Lavrov stated, “We discussed contacts through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” during a joint news conference. We just signed the 2024 inter-Ministry of Foreign Affairs consultation plan in your presence, and we also talked briefly about some practical concerns of intergovernmental cooperation.”

“This set of tasks will be considered more substantively during the upcoming five intergovernmental commissions this year, headed by deputy prime ministers in preparation for the next regular meeting of heads of government,” he stated.

According to the transcript of the talks made public by the Russian Foreign Ministry, he pointed out that the concerns that the two leaders are discussing are related to trade, investment, and economy. Lavrov claimed that at the meeting, he and Wang Yi discussed

Lavrov said, “The issues that we are addressing in the field of economics, trade, investment, and the introduction of new technologies directly relate to the struggle for the establishment of a fair multipolar world order, where there is no place for dictatorship, hegemony, neocolonial and colonial practices, which are now being widely used by the United States and the rest of the “collective West.” unquestioningly submitting to the will of Washington.”

According to Lavrov, Wang Yi and he talked about coordinating China’s and Russia’s efforts in the international arena, based on a broad convergence of interests and strategies for addressing important global issues. He declared that they had discussed collaboration under the Shanghai collaboration Organisation (SCO) framework. They also discussed settling the Middle East.

During the meeting’s opening remarks, Lavrov stated that the Kyiv regime’s spike in terrorist attacks and intense external pressure from the West affected the Russian presidential elections.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry’s translation of his speech, Putin stated that there are now more civilian casualties as a result of the increased shelling of Russian cities. According to Lavrov, there were multiple efforts by hackers to compromise Russia’s electoral system. Nevertheless, the voting process was successful, and nothing stopped Russian voters’ free and documented expression of their will.

At the invitation of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in China on Monday for an official visit, according to Global Times. According to spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry Mao Ning, Lavrov will be in China for an official visit on April 8–9.

On the fringes of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of China-Russia diplomatic ties, Mao stated at a regular press conference on Monday that the two sides will coordinate positions and exchange views on the development of bilateral ties, cooperation in various fields, and international issues of shared concern.

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