World News

In Sopore, north Kashmir, police reported on Tuesday that they had taken three militant associates into custody.

According to a statement from the police spokesperson, during a combined checkpoint set up at the Fruit Mandi crossing, the police, the Indian Army (22RR), and the Central Reserve Police Force (179BN) observed three suspicious individuals attempting to exit the area. However, the alert joint party arrested them.

They are Adil Akber Gojree, son of Akbar Gojree, a resident of Kushal Matoo Sopore; Aquib Mehraj Kana, son of Mehraj din Kana, a resident of Sangrama Sopore; and Faisal Ahmad Kachroo, son of Farooq Ahmad Kachroo, a resident of Baba Yousuf Sopore.

A handgun, cell phones, and other potentially incriminating items were found in their possession during the search. It’s important to note that the three was unable to explain the contents of their phones, which included information that implicated them.

As a result, the statement states that an investigation has been launched and a case under FIR No. 68/2024 has been filed at the police station in Sopore in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

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