SUKHOI modifies the only SU-75 prototype’s V-tail and flaps.

World News

The V-tail design is not appropriate for use in stealth fighters due to a number of disadvantages. The V-tail’s higher radar signature compared to other tail designs is one of the key problems. This is so that radar systems can detect the aircraft more easily due to the slanted surfaces of the V-tail’s multiple radar wave reflections.

The V-tail design might be more challenging to handle than other tail forms, which is another drawback. The pitch and yaw of the aircraft are managed by the interconnected and coordinated movement of the V-tail surfaces. This can make it harder for pilots to keep the aircraft under control in some circumstances, as during high-speed manoeuvres or in choppy air.

There is no information on what shape will be used in the prototype’s new configuration, despite suggestions that the Su-75’s modified V-tail will be employed. These assertions have only been made in Russian media. The V-tail, however, is not the best style of tail for stealth aircraft.

The sawtooth tail is one type of tail that works well for stealth. A sequence of flat surfaces that are inclined in a sawtooth pattern make up the sawtooth tail. The RCS of the aircraft is lowered thanks to the design’s ability to scatter and absorb radar radiation. Additionally, the sawtooth tail generates less drag than the V-tail, enabling higher speeds and farther ranges.

The all-moving tail is a different tail design that works well for stealth. The aircraft’s pitch is controlled by an up-and-down movement of a single surface on the all-moving tail. The requirement for separate control surfaces is removed with this design, lowering the aircraft’s RCS. Additionally, the all-moving tail produces less drag than the V-tail, enabling greater speed and range.

Another tail form that works well for stealth aircraft is the T-tail. The vertical stabiliser is positioned on top of the horizontal stabiliser to form the T-shaped T-tail. Through shielding the horizontal stabiliser from ground-based radar systems, this design aids in lowering the aircraft’s RCS. Additionally, the T-tail generates less drag than the V-tail, enabling greater speed and range.

Unlike the Su-57, which has two engines, the Su-75 is designed to be a multifunctional light fighter and only has one engine. Possibly with an eye towards the American F-35 rival. The newest “second stage” engine, known as Izdelie 30, will be installed in experimental Su-75 models, claims the manufacturer.

Including 7 tonnes of missile and bomb weaponry, a fighter’s takeoff weight with him can be at least 18 tonnes. But as it turned out later, a sufficient number of these engines won’t show up before 2025.

Three weapon bays, one main and two side bays, will be housed in the fuselage to accommodate military hardware. Although the side bays are intended for air-to-air missiles, two air-to-ground or three air-to-air missiles can be mounted there. The Checkmate fighter will have a 17.5 m length and an 11.8 m wingspan. The new aircraft is smaller than the Su-35, which is 20 m long and has a 14 m wingspan.

The developers claim that additional fuel tanks will enable a top speed of 2,200 km/h and a 3,000 km flight range. The F-35’s direct rival’s fighting radius is just 1,150 km, whereas the F-35’s is 1,500 km.

The new fighter’s radar will enable tracking of up to 30 air targets, one or two land or sea targets, and up to six simultaneous air target attacks. The Checkmate’s capacity to “shoot backward,” or fire missiles in the opposite of their intended direction of flight, is another capability.

It’s also noteworthy to note that pictures of the Su-75 without a cockpit surfaced. Three versions of the fighter are feasible according to the modular design principle: single-seat combat, two-seat combat training, and… unmanned, which flashed on the network photos. The fighter is obviously made to satisfy the various requirements of customers.

Why is there such anticipation for a fresh fighter? There are now no products in the market that have exactly the same technological specifications, but its pricing is a key differentiator.

There are currently a lot of single-engine aircraft available on the market, in our perspective, said Yuriy Slyusar, General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation [UAC]. However, the majority of buyers of military multirole aircraft are unable to find fifth-generation single-engine aircraft at a fair, sensible price.

The new fighter is anticipated to cost between $30 and $35 million, which is far less than the F-35, an American counterpart that costs $83.4 million. The Su-75 is superior in terms of price to performance, but the issue of quality is still up for debate. The F-35 already has successful flights that the Su-75 can only hope for.

However, the Su-75 Checkmate has a great possibility of being sold abroad and could even join the Russian air force. We can only hope that the designers won’t take their time with testing and that mass production will begin within the allotted time.

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