To strengthen bilateral relations, the French Senate Chairman travels to India.

World News

The French Embassy in India announced that on February 19 and 20, 2024, Gerard Larcher, the chairman of the French Senate, will be visiting India on official business. Accompanying him will be a group of five senators.

The purpose of the visit is to improve India-France parliamentary collaboration and bilateral relations.

“Five other senators who are members of the France-India Friendship Group or the Senate’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee are travelling with Larcher. As per the official press release, this will be the inaugural formal visit of a French Senate Chairman to India by the Upper House of France’s Parliament.

The announcement also stated that “Jagdeep Dhankhar, Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and Vice President of India, will meet with Larcher and his delegation.”

As stated by the

In the event of the President of the Republic’s demise or resignation, the Senate Chairman is called upon to maintain the stability of France’s institutions. Following each Senate membership renewal, a three-year term as Chairman is elected. Since October 2014, Gerard Larcher has served as the Senate’s chairman. He previously held this position from 2008 to 2011.

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