U.S. Ambassador Gabrieltti on the Pannun case: “That’s just an unacceptable red line.”

World News

While acknowledging that India and the US are cooperating in the investigation into the purportedly failed assassination plot against terrorist from Khalistani, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti stated that there is a “red line” that neither country should cross.

With reference to the Khalistani marches and Pannun’s threats, Garcetti stated that free expression is protected under the American system “for better or worse,” adding that an American citizen can only be convicted or deported in accordance with the laws of the nation.

American and Canadian citizens both recognise Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, an Indian terrorist. He has threatened India on several occasions.

Garcetti stated in a special interview with ANI, “When people do cross the line stating something will be

“We’ll keep working because it must comply with our legislation in order for an American citizen to be deported due to a criminal case in another nation or to be found guilty in an American court. We will be collaborating on that if someone ever says something that crosses that boundary—I know it’s been quite close,” he continued.

Pannun threatened to prevent Air India from operating on November 19 of last year. After thereafter, on December 13, the anniversary of the attack on the Parliament, he also threatened to attack the Indian Parliament.

Garcetti added, making further reference to the continuing probe into the purported plan to kill Pannun, that the reality that New Delhi and Washington are

Any nation whose government actively participates in an attempt to kill one of its nationals in another nation. That’s often a red line for any nation, in my opinion. It is a fundamental question of sovereignty. That’s a fundamental rights problem,” he continued.

According to the indictment filed by the US Justice Department, Nikhil Gupta, an Indian national who is presently detained, is accused of killing Pannun for hire. The US Justice Department had stated that Gupta had been persuaded by an unnamed Indian government employee to hire a hitman in order to kill Pannun; but, US authorities had prevented this from happening.

The US envoy expressed gratitude to India for forming an inquiry commission to investigate the issue.

“I felt really

“I firmly believe that the Indian government has complied with all requests to date. Likewise, in my opinion. We take complaints made in the other direction very seriously, Garcetti continued.

US Principal Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer recognised India’s formation of a Committee of Enquiry in December of last year to look into the purported conspiracy to assassinate Pannun in the US.

The US Ambassador provided additional details on the US criminal justice system, stating that each case is considered separately and that any foreign nation that brings attention to an international issue will be given significant consideration.

Every occurrence is examined once. Furthermore, should the Indian government ever raise any issues,

“The amount of resources used for that is indescribable. Not only that, but there have also been instances of attacks, like the one at the San Francisco embassy. Millions of dollars, many hours, and abundant resources were invested in the research. I am hoping for a successful outcome. The law ought to be unbreakable for everyone. It’s obvious that they’re attempting to start a fire, Garcetti stated.

“I hope that something like that is a better illustration of when something clearly transcends into action and not just words. Cases can be challenging because you have to put the facts together. I am unable to speak at this time because action has been taken against the Indian mission.

An investigation into the incident was launched after India voiced strong concerns to it. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is also looking into the incident. Additionally, the NIA asked the public for information on ten accused people who were wanted and posted images of them.

When asked about the Khalistani marches and parades that take place in several US cities, Garcetti responded that he has heard people call Jews “abhorrent” and that there are statements made during rallies.

“You know, there are people in the United States that march and utter things that disgust us. You know, I constantly hear horrible things said by people in the country where I live. When I was

“Why don’t you just jail them for what they say, they (the people) may ask? That’s not the system we use. It is a rule that I, as ambassador, cannot alter. Even though it occasionally upsets us, some remarks are solely about America and don’t even mention India. As a Jew, I witnessed someone in my city denouncing Jews from a motorway flyover. They’re also not detained. They can be violent if they threaten it. It’s a slippery slope, though. Arresting somebody based only on their statements has the potential to spiral out of control. Thus, the American way of thinking is to not do so,” Garcetti continued.

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