World News

Miller responded to the question of whether India, or specifically Prime Minister Narendra Modi, could contribute to resolving the protracted conflict between Russia and Ukraine by saying, “We welcome a role that India or any other country could play in helping achieve a just and lasting peace that recognises Ukraine’s territorial integrity and Ukraine’s sovereignty.”

Miller claimed that Russia’s involvement in the conflict with Ukraine has been a “strategic failure” and that it has lost military people and equipment. According to him, the US appreciates the support that Ukraine has gotten from other countries since the crisis started.

Regarding a different inquiry regarding the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Miller responded, “The war has been a strategic failure for Russia, which has witnessed an immense loss of both military troops and military equipment. Their reputation has suffered as a result. Because of our export restrictions and sanctions, their economy has been severely hampered.

He continued, “We welcome the international support that Ukraine has received since the beginning of the conflict.”

Earlier, in June, US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed worry over the Ukrainian conflict and lamented its “terrible and tragic” humanitarian repercussions. In a joint statement, the two presidents urged adherence to international law, UN charter tenets, territorial integrity, and sovereignty.

“President Biden and Prime Minister Modi mourned the dreadful and sad humanitarian impacts of the situation in Ukraine and conveyed their profound concern. The leaders emphasised the war’s grave and aggravating effects on the world economy, notably on the security of food, fuel, and energy, as well as crucial supply lines. In particular in the developing world, they urged stronger measures to lessen the effects of the war, according to the statement.

“Both nations also promise to provide ongoing humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine. They demanded adherence to the rules of the UN charter, as well as territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as international law. The importance of post-conflict reconstruction in Ukraine was agreed upon by both nations, it was said.

Prior to the G7 conference in Hiroshima, in May, PM Modi met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and assured him of India’s help in settling the dispute between Moscow and Kyiv.

PM Modi stated, “India and I will do everything we can to resolve the conflict.”

Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine erupted on February 24 of last year, it was the two leaders’ first meeting.

In addition, PM Modi has repeatedly urged President Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin to find a diplomatic settlement since the conflict first broke out.

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, informed President Vladimir Putin that the present is “not an era of war” in September of last year.

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