World News

The choice was made at a meeting to discuss the issue of the Holy Quran’s defilement in Sweden, which was presided over by Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif.

On Friday, July 7, nationwide demonstrations would take place to denounce the act, it was agreed. The prime minister invited everyone in the nation to participate in the demonstration in order to convey a strong message to the country’s mischievous minds, including all political parties.

According to ARY News, the administration also announced that it would convene a joint session of parliament on July 6 in order to create a national policy on the matter and represent public opinion in the legislative process.

A resolution condemning the destruction of the Holy Quran will also be adopted by the joint session.

The Pakistan Muslim League’s president and prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, gave the party the go-ahead to participate in the Yaum-e-Taqaddus-e-Quran and stage nationwide demonstrations.

He added that all Muslims are united by their belief in the sacredness of the Holy Quran. PM Shehbaz claimed that the misguided individuals were coming up with a nefarious scheme to fan the flames of Islamophobia.

According to ARY News, Prime Minister Shehbaz said that nations and leaders who value peace and coexistence should suppress the divisive forces stoked by racism and Islamophobia.

PM Shehbaz added that nations and their leaders should stifle the violent forces plagued by Islamophobia and religious biases if they value peace and coexistence.

The Holy Quran was earlier desecrated in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, drawing strong condemnation from a number of countries, including Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq, and Iran.

The Swedish government also condemned the burning of the Quran in front of Stockholm’s largest mosque as a “Islamophobic” act.

In a statement, the foreign ministry said, “The Swedish Government fully understands that the Islamophobic acts committed by individuals at demonstrations in Sweden can be offensive to Muslims,” according to ARY News.

The statement continued, “We strongly condemn these acts, which in no way represent the opinions of the Swedish government.

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is based in Saudi Arabia and has its headquarters there, asked for coordinated action to put an end to Quran burnings in the future, which is what sparked the condemnation.

The 57-member body met at its Jeddah offices to talk about the incident on Wednesday in which Salwan Momika, a 37-year-old Iraqi living in Sweden, lit a number of Quranic pages on fire, according to ARY News.

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