Within the hospital compound, Israeli forces kill Hamas terrorists in close quarters combat.

World News

Israeli soldiers were slain. According to the Israel Defence Forces, Hamas terrorists were holed up in the Shifa Hospital compound in Gaza as efforts were underway to remove gunmen and operatives. Many were slain in close-quarters fighting, according to the IDF.

Following reports that senior Hamas figures were inside the premises planning strikes, Israel returned to the largest hospital in Gaza. Over two hundred terrorists have been murdered and eight hundred terror suspects have been captured by Israel since it broke into the compound on March 18. Of them, at least five hundred have been verified as belonging to the terror groups Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Armaments and intelligence have also been taken in considerable quantities by the forces.

According to the Israeli Press Service, Hamas set up a modest government administration centre with representatives in one of the hospital buildings.

For their protection, patients were relocated as part of the operation to a specific area within the Shifa facility. There has been no danger to people or workers, according to the IDF.

About 80 terror targets, including Hamas military installations, tunnel shafts, rocket-launching locations, and other terror infrastructure, were hit by the Israeli Air Force in the Gaza Strip during the course of the last day.

Several of the locations struck by aircraft in the northern Gaza region of Rimal were complexes used by Hamas snipers and anti-tank missile launchers.

Over fifteen terrorists have been killed in central Gaza in the just 24 hours. In one instance, an IDF fighter jet struck and destroyed a terrorist cell that was seen approaching a military property close to IDF forces after it was seen emerging from a subterranean shaft. Within a

Soldiers destroyed a number of terror infrastructure installations in Khan Yunis’ Al-Amal neighbourhood, including places from which Hamas fired rockets against soldiers. During other operations, mortar shells and accurate sniper fire killed about fifteen terrorists.

On October 7, Hamas attacked Israeli communities close to the Gaza border, resulting in at least 1,200 deaths and the kidnapping of 240 Israelis and foreigners. Israel has declared 31 hostages out of the remaining 134 to be dead.

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