World News

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared on Sunday that the BJP-led NDA at the Centre would prioritise protecting the lives of fellow Indians in conflict zones if elected to a third term. This statement came amid escalating tensions in West Asia, which were made much worse after Iran fired over 300 projectiles towards Israel in retaliation for an airstrike on its embassy in Syria.

Prime Minister Modi emphasised the importance of winning a decisive majority when launching the BJP’s manifesto for the next Lok Sabha elections on Sunday. He claimed that this would enable the government to confront global issues and rescue stranded and distressed Indian citizens from conflict zones.

“Uncertainty is looming large across the globe right now. The world is tense and not at peace, with certain regions facing a state of near-constant warfare. During such circumstances, any new government’s first priority and most important duty is to guarantee the safety and security of its people. Therefore, if we run for office again, the security of our people will be our government’s top concern, PM Modi declared.

“It is especially important for a strong, stable government with a majority to be elected during times when war is feared by all.” Our nation needs a government that can boost its economy and increase its ability to withstand external shocks. It ought to make

The BJP-led NDA showed determination and will to transport distressed Indians out of crisis zones even during its second term in office.

The Indian government initiated an evacuation operation to rescue residents who were stranded in Ukraine as tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalated into a full-fledged war conflict.

The operational period of ‘Operation Ganga’ spanned from February 26, 2022, until March 11, 2022. Air Force aircraft and private aircraft conducted several missions as part of this mission to rescue stranded locals from the conflict-ridden areas of eastern Europe and provide humanitarian aid. Approximately 25,000 Indian nationals and citizens of 18 other nations were evacuated as a result of the operation.

In a comparable rescue scheme, the

The airfield was in poor condition, without fuel and navigational aids, and most importantly, landing lights—which are necessary to guide an aircraft landing at night. Using night vision goggles (NVGs), the pilots executed the landing at night.

‘Operation Kaveri’ was the code name for the mission to free the Indians who were trapped in Khartoum.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) notably conducted comparable operations to remove Indians from Kabul following the Taliban’s takeover of the country in August 2021.

S Jaishankar, the minister of external affairs, also spoke earlier on the government’s intention to rescue distressed Indians in crisis areas, stating, “They (world powers) note how we take care of our citizens abroad.” It might be “Ajay,” “Kaveri,” or “Operation Ganga.” Perhaps it is the ‘Vande

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