Tomorrow, China is scheduled to launch a rocket that will pass above Taiwan’s air defense zone.

Tomorrow, December 20, 2024, China is scheduled to launch a rocket with a satellite that will probably pass above Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defence (MND) confirmed this information, stating that the launch will take place from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in Sichuan Province, China.

This upcoming launch is part of a series of similar activities by China, with at least a dozen satellites launched over or near Taiwan’s ADIZ in the past two years. The MND stressed that as the rockets usually leave Earth’s atmosphere before entering Taiwanese territory, these launches have not directly threatened Taiwan’s security.

In response to increased military activity in the region, including recent incursions by Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels, Taiwan’s armed forces are maintaining a heightened state of readiness. They have been actively monitoring the situation using mission aircraft and coastal missile systems.

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